Maple Terroir
Maple Syrup Stroopwafel
Maple Syrup Stroopwafel
Maple Terroir's Maple Stroopwafel Waffle Cookies are a Canadian-style version of the Dutch stroopwafel, with a filling made with pure maple syrup!
The waffle dough is made with Canadian flour, butter, and eggs. The filling is made with butter, eggs, pure maple syrup, sea salt, and other ingredients. Each Maple Stroopwafel is individually wrapped for convenience, freshness, and sharing!
- Non-GMO ingredients
- The first ingredient is Canadian-grown flour
- Canadian eggs
- Canadian sea salt
- Sustainable palm oil
- Cane sugar
- No preservatives, artificial flavouring or citric acid
- Sweetened with pure maple syrup
- A great source of energy for athletes or anyone wanting a pick-me-up on the go!
Available in packs of 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 units of 136g boxes. Each box contains 4 stroopwafels.
Liquid Gold
As one of the wonders of the world, pure maple syrup, with its characteristic earthy sweet taste, is an excellent alternative to white sugar, brown sugar, honey, molasses, or corn syrup - it's naturally sweet.
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